Rules Builder

Rules builder is one of our key features to make large data catalog manageable. It is used in multiple Wise2Sync components like:


Filtering functionality allows product selection based on various conditions, such as:

  • Supplier
  • Category
  • Quantity (stock)
  • Price
  • Manufacturer
  • Description
  • EAN
  • Product name
  • Part number

Basically you can use any mapped attribute or dynamic custom attribute for product filtering.  Any possible combination of conditions is possible:

Rules builder

Example above shows some possible combinations. “Delivery Time” – is a custom conditional attribute (read more about this type of attributes in this section).

You can split conditions into groups and set how conditions should be compared: with AND or OR operator.


Available operators for number type attribute values:

  • Equal
  • Not equal
  • Less
  • Less or equal
  • Greater
  • Greater or equal
  • Is shorter than
  • Is longer than

Operators for text type attribute values:

  • Equal
  • Not equal
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Begins with
  • Ends with
  • Contains
  • Contains only numbers
  • Does not contain

Operators for filtering on system attributes, where multiple values are available (f.e. manufacturers, categories, suppliers):

  • Equal
  • Not equal
  • In
  • Not in
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Begins with
  • Ends with
  • Contains
  • Contains only numbers
  • Does not contain

Pay attention to any warnings, as it will show you how to optimize your filtering. For example, if you want to add products from several categories use "in" to include all you need and not multiple "equal" filters. Here is an example with an incorrect configuration: 2024-07-24_10-58.jpg