Category Set

Category sets are useful to use when there is more than one export profile used for different webshops.

Once the categories are created and mapped as per steps in this article Category Mapping. For the new export files that go to a different website, the categories set need to be created:

Go to the Wise2Sync dashboard and choose the "Category Set" option:


In the "Category Set" page click the "add category set" option, on the right-hand side top corner.  The window will pop up prompting you to create the "Category Set".


Add the ID and Label which is the name of the set and click create.

Next, go to "Supplier Categories" and select the Category Set that you just created.


This will open the supplier categorie's page that are not mapped. Map them with the your categories that are created.

Once this done, you can use your new category set in the export file in the preference tab:


Some of your categories might have ID number which is already in use, especially in Woocommerce platform. Ask you developer to "incriment the category ID number" in the Woocomerce admin panel.