How Automated & Manual Exports Work

The daily export means our system collects data from the suppliers, applies all required transformation, and prepares products' catalog in the chosen format to be imported into your e-shop. You can read more about the export profiles here:  Export Profile.

Automated Export

This is done automatically multiple times a day depending on your chosen plan (see our available pricing plans). It is also run on fixed hours daily and you are not required to do anything. The green badge "Auto" in profiles list indicates that this export profile is executed automatically.


Manual Export

On-demand export is when the client manually initiates the product export process. Our app will not download product information from suppliers. It will regenerate the product feed with your changes (f.e. new filter, export template, modified pricing rules etc.).

This option is used mainly at the beginning of the e-shop life cycle to import products for testing purposes. It is also handy to use when you want to push an updated product pricing, data mapping, or any changes that you made in your products' catalog.

To generate the manual export file click on the first blue button "Queue" the status will change to "In progress". It takes a few minutes to generate the export file. Once the file is prepared it will change back to the green color "Completed".


You can also see what type of export profile you have in Wise2Sync. In the third column, it indicates whether it is the default one (XML, CSV or JSON) or any other that you may have for example Woocommerce, Shopify and etc.
