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Setting up product import to CS Cart

In this article we will explain how you can use native and powerful CS Cart product import featur...

Importing product tags

Shopify is a powerful platform, which has the possibility to generate Collections (categories) dy...

Staying within product limits in Shopify

In this section, we would like to discuss, how to import products into your Shopify account smart...

Channable product export

We can offer an XML template prepared for Channable requirements. The data feed has to be availab...

Category Mapping

Same as with product brands, category mapping is needed to standardize your products catalogue. T...

How repricing works

In this article we will describe how product price adjustments work in Wise2Sync app. We also pr...

Product Data Preview

Shows originally imported products from your data source (your eCommerce platform or supplier). T...

Re-index suppliers

Re-index feature is meant to increase the performance of Product Preview: Faster loading. ...

Uploading products to FTP

Use this option if you want to export products data and upload it to your FTP account. Open your...

Product Filter

The export profile tab "Filter" is used to describe which products need to be included in the exp...

Attribute Mapping

By default, Wise2Sync maps main product information like brand, manufacturer, price, stock level ...

Vendors / Manufacturers auto-mapping

This feature will speed up the Manufacturer mapping procedure. It would collect all available man...

Rules Builder

Rules builder is one of our key features to make large data catalog manageable. It is used in mul...

How to use multiple filters in the export profile?

You can use multiple filters in the export profile to narrow the range of products you want to im...

Which fields do I need in my own Google sheet file?

If you need help building Google sheet or after you've built it, send a link to support@wise2sync...

How to start using Wise2Sync Shopify APP?

Discover or select suppliers and sign contracts with them. Receive access/logins or link to t...

How product import and update via Wise2Sync app works

After you installed our app and set up Wise2Sync API token, you need to go to your Wise2Sync acco...

What version of certain e-commerce Wise2Sync plugin supports?

WooCommerce - plugin is tested and working with PHP 8.0 and versions from WooCommerce 6.3.1 to ...

Shopify import limits

SKU Limit Shopify is an eCommerce platform that is easy to get started. However, because it is a...

What is the minimum length of a subscription?

The minimum length of a subscription is one month. You pay per month and can quit at any time. Pl...